Abstract:The period of carrier’s responsibility in international carriage of goods by air, concerning with the establishment of the carrier’s liability, is a key point to settle the disputes arising out of or pertaining to the carriage. In logic, for the carrier, it does not only indicate the period to assume the liability for breach of a contractual obligation, but also refers to the major obligation time. In law, it actually indicates the period where the liability rules of air law apply. To protect the cradle-staged air industry, the 1929 Warsaw Convention adopted a double-element standard, which was replaced by a single-element standard established by the 1999 Montreal Convention for the purpose of extension of the period, thus increasing the carrier’s responsibility. Since the double-element standard set by the Civil Aviation Act of the PRC cannot meet the practical demand, this author suggests that a standard “regulated by law” be adopted. Key Words: international carriage of goods by air; carrier’s responsibility; period of responsibility
从历史的角度来看,承运人责任期间(period of responsibility)来自海商法,它是国际海上货物运输法律制度中的一个基本概念。1924年《海牙规则》虽有涉及,但是在1978年《汉堡规则》第4条中第一次明确提出。我国《海商法》第46条也使用了承运人“责任期间”这一用法。而在国际航空立法中,从1929年《华沙公约》及其历次修订到1999年《蒙特利尔公约》都没有明确使用承运人“责任期间”一词,而是使用了航空运输期间。但我国专家学者在分析航空运输期间的法律制度时通常用“责任期间”这一用语[1]。其中最关键、最容易引起误解的是“责任”,它是一个十分模糊的概念,具有多种用法,如民事违法行为的法律后果、法律效果之“归属” (注:我国《民法通则》第63条第2款规定:“代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。被代理人对代理人的代理行为承担民事责任”。)、履行债务的担保、担保法上的保证人“责任”、保证债务履行的“财产”等