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英国Brunel大学Kai Cheng教授学术报告会
关键字:学术报告会通知 发布时间:2010-04-17

英国Brunel大学Kai Cheng教授学术报告会

题目:Precision and micro manufacturing with a global/sustainable dimension and e-thought

时间: 1月13日(周三)下午15:00

地点: 机械楼A-F201

报告人: Professor Kai Cheng
Chair in Manufacturing Systems
Head, Advanced Manufacturing & Enterprise Engineering (AMEE)
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University

Abstract: The advance of manufacturing technology has been being driven by high precision and automation, so as to deliver high quality products at low cost in a highly responsive manner with customers' full satisfaction. The seminar will present a 'Brunel' approach to engaging manufacturing research, education and working with UK/European manufacturing industry in particular. The approach is focused on precision and micro manufacturing with a global sustainable dimension and e-thought, and aims at developing an effective methodology for delivering sustainable high value manufacturing.

About the Speaker:
Professor Kai Cheng holds the chair professorship in Manufacturing Systems at Brunel University. His current research interests focus on micro manufacturing, design of precision machine tools, and global/sustainable manufacturing and systems. Professor Cheng has published over 160 papers in learned international journals and referred conferences, authored/edited 5 books and contributed 6 book chapters.

Professor Cheng is a fellow of the IET and IMechE. He is the head of the Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering (AMEE) Department which consists of 10 academics and over 35 research assistants and PhD students. The department is currently working on a number of research projects funded by the EPSRC, EU 6th/7th Framework Programs, KTP Program, Technology Strategy Board (TSB), and the industry. Professor Cheng is the European editor of the International Journal of Advanced manufacturing Technology, and a member of the editorial board of International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture.

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