硕士学位论文 软件产品开发项目风险分析与管理研究
摘要 我国软件产业发展迅速,然而由于管理科学与工程硕士毕业论文/软件工程硕士论文存在大量有关项目进度、费用和质量等方面的问题。与此同时,随着技术更新和软件产业的发展,软件项目趋向于周期长、规模大、涉及范围广等特点,使得项目涉及的风险数量众多,各种风险之间的内在关系错综复杂。因此,科学的分析风险间的关系,并在此基础上对软件产品开发项目进行有效的风险管理具有重大的现实意义。 文章首先总结了软件产品开发项目风险管理领域的研究现状,论述了软件产品开发项目风险管理的基本理论,对经典的风险管理模型进行了介绍和比较分析。考虑到在整个风险管理过程中风险因素的识别是风险管理模型成败的关键,因此在此基础上提出将定性和定量研究方法都引入风险管理,并基于主成分分析建立软件产品开发项目风险调查问卷,进行信效度检验,为软件产品开发项目风险因素识别提供高水平的测评工具。 然后,依据模糊层次分析法建构软件产品开发项目风险管理模型。其中应用多元回归分析方法探索风险调查问卷各个维度与项目成功概率之间的因果关系,并在此基础上建立软件产品开发项目风险评价指标体系,为建立风险管理模型提供可靠支持。 最后,通过将基于模糊层次分析法的软件产品开发项目风险管理模型应用到某商业银行软件产品开发项目中来验证模型的可操作性。结果显示,运用模糊层次分析法对于软件产品开发项目风险进行评估,可以清楚地辨别软件产品开发项目风险的驱动因素的水平高低以及如何对软件产品开发项目的整体风险产生影响。该模型克服了传统模糊层次分析法在建立指标体系时凭借经验的定性研究方法,将多元回归分析引入模糊层次分析法,为更加准确和量化出指标体系创造了条件。而指标体系的可靠性也使得模型能得到更准确的数据,真实的反映出软件产品开发项目中的风险因素。 关键词:软件产品开发项目、风险分析、模型、模糊层次分析法 SOFTWARE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT RISK ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES Abstract The rapid development of China's software industry, but due to the lack of effective risk management software products and development projects leading to the existence of a large number of the project progress, cost and quality issues. At the same time, as technology updates and the development of software industry, software projects tend to be long-term, large-scale, involving a wide range of characteristics, making the project the risks involved in the large number of various risks inherent in the relationship between the intricate and complex. Therefore, the scientific analysis of the relationship between risk and, in this based on software product development projects in effective risk management is of great practical significance. First of all, the article sums up the product development software project risk management research in the field of the status quo, discusses the product development software project risk management's basic theory, the classical model of risk management are introduced and comparative analysis. Taking into account the entire risk management process to identify risk factors risk management model is the key to success, so this will be based on qualitative and quantitative research methods are the introduction of risk management, and principal component analysis based on the establishment of product development software project risk questionnaire for Reliability and Validity for software product development projects to identify risk factors provide a high level of evaluation tools. And then, the article based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to build product development software project risk management model. One application of multiple regression analysis to explore the various dimensions of risk questionnaire and the success of the project the probability of a causal relationship between, on the basis of the establishment of product development software project risk evaluation index system, to establish a risk management model to provide reliable support. Finally, it will be based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process of product development software project risk management model that was applied to a commercial banking software product development projects to validate the model operational. The results showed that the use of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for software product development projects to assess the risks, you can clearly identify the software product development projects driven by the risk factors and how the level of the software product development projects have an impact on the overall risk. The model to overcome the traditional FAHP when in the establishment of indicator system of experience with qualitative research methods will be the introduction of multiple regression analysis FAHP for more accurate and quantifiable indicators of creating the conditions. The reliability of the index system makes the model can be more accurate data, the real software development projects reflect the risk factors. Key words: software product development, risk analysis, models, FAHP
摘要I ABSTRACTII 第一章 绪论1 1.1研究背景与意义1 1.1.1研究背景1 1.1.2理论意义3 1.1.3现实意义4 1.2 研究对象的界定4 1.3 研究思路与框架5 1.4国内外研究现状分析7 1.4.1软件项目风险分析研究现状7 1.4.2软件项目风险管理研究现状8 第二章 软件产品开发项目风险管理的理论基础10 2.1相关理论概述10 2.1.1产品理论及概念10 2.1.2风险理论及概念11 2.1.3软件开发项目管理12 2.2软件开发项目风险管理13 2.2.1项目风险管理13 2.2.2项目风险管理的过程14 2.2.3软件项目中的风险管理15 2.3软件项目风险管理模型综述17 2.3.1 Barry Boehm的模型17 2.3.2 SEI的CRM模型18 2.3.3基于Leavitt模型的风险管理19 2.3.4 Riskit方法19 2.3.5 JIT模型20 2.3.6 EXPERT COCOMO模型21 2.3.7 Soft Risk风险管理模型21 2.3.8 MSF风险管理模型21 2.3.9IEEE风险管理标准22 2.3.10小结22 第三章 软件产品开发项目风险因素识别与分析23 3.1 基本研究思路23 3.1.1定性研究23 3.1.2定量研究24 3.2软件产品开发项目风险调查问卷的编制24 3.2.1调查和访谈对象24 3.2.2 项目编制24 3. 3 问卷实施和记分方法25 3.3.1 实施方法25 3.3.2 记分方法26 3.4软件开发产品项目风险正式调查问卷的编制26 3.4.1 被试选择26 3.4.2 方法步骤27 3.4.3 施测过程及数据管理27 3.4.4无效问卷的筛选原则28 3.5结果分析28 3.5.1 项目分析与筛选28 3.5.2 主成分分析29 3.6 问卷的信效度分析35 3.6.1 问卷的信度分析35 3.6.2 问卷的效度检测37 第四章 软件产品开发项目风险管理模型构建41 4.1风险管理模型构建的方法41 4.1.1相关分析41 4.1.2多元回归分析42 4.1.3模糊层次分析法45 4.2软件产品开发项目风险管理回归分析45 4.3各个风险因素与题项间的回归分析47 4.4基于模糊层次分析法的软件开发项目风险分析模型49 4.4.1风险因素层次分析结构的建模49 4.4.2模糊风险判断矩阵的构造51 4.4.3模糊风险判断矩阵的排序51 4.4.4风险因素层次总排序52 第五章 银行软件产品开发项目案例54 5.1项目简介54 5.1.1项目背景54 5.1.2需求分析54 5.2评估过程55 5.2.1建立软管理科学与工程硕士毕业论文/软件工程硕士论文的构造55 5.2.2计算各层次的相对权重向量56 5.2.3风险排序权重向量及其排序57 5.3实践总结57 第六章 总结与展望59 6.1 总结59 6.2展望59 参考文献61 附录A63 附录B64 附录C69