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Conveyance of Contextual Meaning in Translation
关键字:contextual 发布时间:2010-04-16

本文从语境的翻译理论出发,探讨了语境翻译中的影响因素,语境是翻译中的重要概念。本文首先展示语境在翻译中的重要性,然后讨论语境的定义,在此基础上,提出语境的两大类别,交际语境和语言语境,文章进一步讨论了在翻译过程中怎样传达语境意义。 Outline
2.1 The importance of context in translation
2.2 The definition of context
2.3 The two impacts of context
2.3.1.Communicative context
2.3.2. Linguistic context
Ⅲ.Conveyance of contextual meaning in translation

If context is to be a useful concept to account for what people do when using language, as “each word, when used in a new context, is a new word.”We should be able to ask that how to convey the context meaning in translation, before knowing the definition of context, the paper talks about the importance of context in translation. After sketching the general picture of what is involved, ingredients of the communicative context will be rewarded, aspects of the linguistic context will also be discussed briefly
The four sections of this second part of the paper literally cover conveyance the contextual meaning in translation .At first, talks about the importance of context in translation ,and then the categories of context ,which includes communicative context (2.3.1)and linguistic context (2.3.2).after knowing this ,it talks about how to convey the contextual meaning in translation (Ⅲ).
2.1 The importance of context in translation
In a conversation “one person throws a ball; the other does not know whether he is supposed to throw it back, or throw it to a third person, or leave it on the ground, or pick it up and put it in his pocket, etc.”The remark is puzzling because in the vast majority of cases that take place under ordinary circumstances, it seems that any two people engaged in a conversation have some trouble interpreting and responding meaning fully to each other’s utterances. This situation likes translating a word, a sentence, or a paragraph in context; a ball is a word, a sentence, or a paragraph. When the translator does not know the context, it is hard for him to translate it exactly,context plays an indispensable role in translation, and “each word, when used in a new context, is a new word.” But some translators still do not know what is context; the paper will talk about the definition of context .
2.2 The definition of context
context is belongs to linguistic concept.’context’ is not a vague notion since contexts are themselves generated or even actively constructed (as choices made from the infinite range of possibilities ,for specific in stances of languge use )and this generation process –called ‘contextualization ‘-can be linguistically traced .(jef verschueren,2000).the word ‘context’ comes from latin vocabulary ‘contextus ‘,it means a joining together .the concept of context in that time only means the word or sentence before or behind a speaial sentence .After Bronislaw Malinowski advocated ‘context of situation’ in the book “The Meaning of Meaning” :
exactly as in the reality of speaken or written languages ,a word without linguistic context is a mere figment and stands for nothing by itself ,so in the reality of a spoken living tongue ,the utterance has no meaning expect in the context of situation .(Malionwski ,1923 ,p.307)
While we should not accept the implicit message that written language may not have a ‘context of situation ‘,Malinowski’s observation can be seen as one of the necessary pillars of any theory of pragmatics .in fact ,contexts are generated in language use,and thereby restricted in various ways .indeed ,language use is always situated against a complex background with which it is related in a related in a varity of ways .the focal points in one conversation are the utterer(U)and the interpreter(I).Converging in U and I ,can thus be seen as forming lines of version .every aspect of context within the lines of version can function as a correlate of adaptability.meanline ,it is necessary to point out that the chosen channel of communication is itself a contextual element .This will be discussed in section 2.3.1with other aspects of what can be called the linguistic context in section2.3.2.it is already the product of linguistic choices itself .before entering that topic ,however ,we will systematically spell out the two categories of context .
2.3.1.Communicative context
In this overriew ,we start with utterer and interpreter ,we will then take their point of view to look out into the world of potential correlates of adaptability ,starting with aspects of the mental world ,going to the social ,and ending up in the physical realm . users :utterer and interpreter
it plays an canteral role in communicative context ,it includes not only the speaker and listener in the conversation ,and also someone else who has relation with the conversation. mental world
Verbal in teraction is no doubt communication from mind to mind though we should never forget that minds are “minds in society”. The mental world includes the interpreter’s personality, emotions, beliefs, desires, wishes, motivations and intentions. social world
There is no principled limit to the range of social factors ,that linguistic choices are interadaptable with most of them have to do with properties of social settings or in situations and culture . physical world
there is an extensive and interesting literature to rely on .It includes event tiem ,time of utterance and reference time ,temporal order and utterer space or reference space and so on .
2.3.2.Linguistic context
The final contextual objects of adapetability to pass the review are themselves part of the communicated form .They pertain to the linguistic channel chosen for communicating and to aspects of linguistic choice –making itself ,i.e.the linguistic context .The study of such pheomena often goes under the label of cohesion ,other features of linguistic context are intertextuality and sequencing. cohesion
The label cohesion is generally used to designate the overt marking of relations with a discourse or text (which is then often called the context of the discourse or text fragment under consideration).Markers of cohesin in a brief text like this include :conjunctions ,anaphora ,explanation and so on .
It influence the style ,topic and something else of the conversation.
The linguistic choice marking would have to be thoroughly adapted at various levels of structure and content ,it should be logic and in right order .
Ⅲ.Conveyance of contextual meaning in translation
the following talks about the conveyance context meaning in translation ,it is the most important part of this paper .
3.1.language users :utterer and interpreter
E.x: I kept it from her after I heard on it “said Mr. peggotty ,”going on nigh a year ,we living then is a solitary place ,but among the beautifulness trees ,and …”
Compare these two translations, the second is much better, because Mr.Peggotty is lack of knowledge, speaking with dialect, and there are several mistakes in it.His speech is unstardard .In this context ,the language user is not a knowledgable man .In order to make a communicate aim ,the translators should consider the language users context ,to make the language matches the identy of the users .In the first translation ,it is not oral English ,and some literature words in it ,so it is a failure translation art in this case .
3.2.The mental world
E.X1:Original English 2:
“Woman begins by shouting ‘Don’t! Stop!’ to a man’s advance and ‘Don’t stop!’ to his retreat.”
Implore Chinese Version :在面对男人的追求时女人 大喊“给我站住!”;在他退却时她又大喊“给我干下去!”
This sentence parodies O.Wilse’s “Woman begins by resisting a man’s advances and ending by blocking his retreat.”The Chinese version is not faithful .to the original in meaning, nor to the context, let alone the original flavor.
Revised Chinese Version:
在面对男人的追求时,女人常大喊“别,住手!”;而在男人退却时却又怂恿道:“别住手啊!”In this example ,it talks about the woman’s character and emotion about man’s chase .Their refusement about man’s advance ,and encourgement about man’s retreat.it is woman’s love opinion ,a mental world of a communicative context .under this context ,what woman want man to do is give up chasing when he advance and continue to chase when retreat .in the second transltion ,it is not man “stop walking “or “go on doing (here doing in this sentence refers to retreationg ).
E.x2: E.X1: we hope Mr. white will not forget himself, gone are the days when a representative of a large country in UN, may do whatever he likes.
The speaker attitude towards to the listener in the sentence is derogatory sense and warning tone.
① We hope that our most respected secretary General will not forget himself ,his poor health is known to everybody .(Praise attitude and show loving care tone)
The same phrase “forget himself “in these two sentences have different translation, the reason is, according to the verbal context, the first sentence shows unsatisfied opinion to Mr. White, the second is opposite.It also an example about mental world .the language user “we”show two kinds of different opinion to Mr.White and Secretary General .the same pharse “forget himself “in these two sentences have different transltion,according to that utterer and interpreter’s opinion to “him”.In this context ,the translator considered the emotion of the user ,so it is a good translation art.
3.3.The social world
E.X1: Mr. Kinsley and his Red Brick boys will have to look to their laurels.
In this sentence, “Red Brick “has no verbal context introduction. For Chinese readers, it may hard to understanding. But in English speaking countries, especially in English, it is a simple problem. Because it always reference to the common university, “Red Brick university “expect Oxford university, Cambridge university and so on .The reason is Oxford university and Cambridge university use stone to build the building to show elegant. But other universities mostly use red brick to build building.
Here ,”Red Brick “is a special culture concept .culture ,with its invocation of norms and values ,has indeed been a favourite social-world correlate to linguistic choices in the pragmatic literature .In this transltion “Red Brick University “can not be translted “红砖大学“,instead of it ,it should be translated “二流大学”。
3.4.The physical world
E.x1:The boy is drawing a cart .
If this boy is in the studio, it can be translated:
If he is in the street, another translation creative
②It is time to go aboard .
1.In the station
2.In the airport
3.In the dock
The speech happen in these three places has different translations
E.x2: His daughter went to London last autumn.
“Last “means “past, the one before “, if we use word-translation method, it will sounds like “which year “
①If the speaker says this in winter
②If it is in spring or summer
In the first example of this secation ,it points to a special space ,and in the second , the time points to when the events happened .physical world of these two context ,the translator should pay attention to the place and time .
3.2.The linguistic context
Only when the world has a Pailo,who knows horses ,can there be fine steeds .there are always fine steeds that can cover a thousand li a day but the world does not frequently produce a Pailo.
For Chinese readers ,the story of this is very familiar with ,but when it translated into English ,translators should add some necessary information to explain the word “pailo”,in it ,”who knows horse “is the explanation of cohesion.
look at the same word “letter” translation in different contexts:
①He wrote a letter to his friend.
②Premier Zhu wrote a letter to American president.
③Mary received a love letter.
Context influence the language using and choosing ,it makes the language keeps on relevancy and filicitiousness.So “letter”here in different writing style has different translations .
A worker asked a day leave, the dean agreed with it .The worker thought that:
(原文)After all ,the chief had been particularly nice to her ,this afternoon off, for instance, the leave with pay.
(comment )The salary is usually given by month or week ,it is impossible that one person who ask half a day leave with salary paid immediately .It is a illogic situation.
Ex. 2:一个人进入别人的办公室后,感到主人有气,
(原文)I said nothing because I could feel the resentment where I at by the coffee table .There was a large envelope on the table.
These two examples are showed that logic is a great element in context translation .the translator should pay attention to it.
The two examples above are connect with sequencing .the translation should keep the step with logic ,and make the words in a right order .example one ,salary is paid regulary for the person who is on duty .this is the context in conversion one.example two ,”i”at first should sit beside the table ,and then narrative envelop on the table .After knowing this context ,the transltor can put the things in right order.

Translation serves as an assistant tool to language communication ,which helps language learners become aware of the difficulties of the translation process by using research instruments in contextual meaning .
To sum up, when we want to translate context meaning, we should put the seven main elements in conveying the context meaning into our heart. Then we can make the translation sounds perfectly and exactly.

E.x2:We are met on a great battle field of that war ,we have come to dedicate a partion of the field ,as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live .It is althogether fitting and proper that we should do this .
The sentence above is come from a speech was given by Lincon .The main purpose is to explain the aim of “we”.
(bad translation)我们在这场战争中的一个伟大战场上集合。烈士们为使这个国家能够生存下去而奉献了自己的生命。我们在此



论文关键字:Contextual meaning, communicat

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