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Well requiring a job like
关键字: 发布时间:2010-11-16

I'm now studying in British and American Literature in Xiamen University. I suddenly realize that there are loads and loads of books in the world. Before, though I know there are numerous books in the libraries and the book stores, I did not feel they have any relationship with me. But now, I need them and I need to push myself to read them as many as I could. Oh, God!
When I accepted the work of designing a poster for the incoming annual festival of our college, I said to myself that I must getmyselfresigned from my current position. Design work is acturally not one thing I hate, I love it to some degree. The thing I don't like is the so called "suggestion" coming from the superior of the student union. They will always suggest you using this kind of color or using this kind of font or adding that kind of "theme" into your design. Funny thing is that these suggestion can NEVER be rejected. Oh Christ, who is the designer? If I don't have theprivilegeto decide what can bedisplayed onmy work,my design is meaningless. If all the things I have the right to do is to obey the superiors, my work will losethesoul.
Complaint is over.
Real work will get a start.
I registed here yesterday and now i have the right to write something as the beginning of my new blog, which is my first english blog. I plan to depict my lifeof the field day. I think i shold classify it becase it's a long time, about one and a half monthes. ok! let's go.
I am a graduate andgo into the workforce like others newlyentering the society. But i am a little from some of the graduates. Most of the graduates are keen to finda job in the big city such as the beijing,shanghai or at least the provincial capital even though the pressure in those place are huge. Speaking of this phenomena,there are many to discuss and it's very complicated. what i want to tell you is just that i am not one of them. I find a job far away from most of you, even my hometown. There are many reasons. Firstly, my major in college is prospecting which determine my workplace would be the field away from city and town, where few people appear when i am working. Secondly,nowadays huge change has taken place in the personnelmarket. So even though there are prospecting jobs in our province,which is pursued by many students, i finally find the job now in Hulun Beier,northeast of inner mongolia,near Heilongjing province. Many things happened in the whole process, but i do not want to mention it as the most important now is to work hard on my new position.
On 11th, August, we reached our destination after a long journey by train started from Kunming, Yunnan province. Only sleepedin my new bed arranged by company for two nights, were we sended to the field. On the morning of 13rd,August, our vice general engineer leaded me and two other new comers headed to the field in the car of our company. By the way, our genernal engineer is kind which make me feel very lucy at the beginning of the job. After about five hours driving we reached the place weheaded for. It's the first time i experience the beauty of inner mongolia, but i have to say it's so amazing.

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