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20世纪20-40年代中国艺术歌曲的发展及其演唱的初步研究 中英文摘
关键字:中英翻译 发布时间:2010-04-16


福建师范大学 硕士论文 导师:张锦华

中文摘要 20世纪20年代初期艺术歌曲传入中国,并与中国传统文化有机结合,产生了真正意义上的中国艺术歌曲。此后的三十年,中国经历了近代史上最为动荡不安的民主革命与民族解放战争,艺术歌曲是这段历史时期最主要的音乐创作形式之一。一大批音乐家在建立中国艺术歌曲创作风格的道路上进行了积极的探索,积累了宝贵的经验,给后人留下了相当数量具有浓郁民族韵味与鲜明时代特征的优秀艺术歌曲作品。本文立足于前人研究的成果,借鉴音乐史学、戏剧表演学和声乐学的研究方法,拟从20世纪20-40年代中国艺术歌曲的发展与演唱两个角度,试图理清20世纪20-40年代中国艺术歌曲的发展脉络,分析其创作特征,并对如何演唱这些作品进行初步的探讨,以期为更多的人认识、理解和演唱这些作品提供一些参考。

英文摘要 Art song was introduced to china at the beginning of 1920's and organically combined with Chinese traditional culture, which produce the really Chinese art song. In the next 30 years, China experienced the most turbulent democratic revolution and national liberation war of Chinese modern era, art song is one of the most primary creative form in this period. A lot of musicians actively explored on the way to establish Chinese creative style of art song, accumulated precious experience and produced a great deal excellent art songs with strong national taste and brilliance age characteristics.The article is based on the formers' researcher fruits and makes reference to the research means of music history, drama act and vocality, tries to make clear the development way of Chinese art songs during 1919-1949 and analyses its creative characteristics on two point of view—development and singing of Chinese art songs during 1919-1949, as well as primary-discusses how to sing these opuses, so as to supply references to more people to know, understand and sing these works.

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10394.2.2005.4558

上一篇:综合式美术活动与幼儿的健康成长   下一篇:20世纪上半叶中国钢琴音乐创作若干问题的研究
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