感谢华东师大艺术系硕士研究生徐进提供并整理该文资料- 位授予单位 辽宁师范大学 中文关键词 研究性学习;中学音乐教育;素质教育 导师 陈燕 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 音乐教育 中文摘要 简要介绍了研究性学习产生的背景和研究性学习的含义,分析总结了研究性学习的目的、特点、在音乐教育中实施研究性学习的现实意义和现状。通过在中学音乐教学过程中实施研究性学习的实践、探索、尝试和经验,具体详细地概括了在中学音乐教育中进行研究性学习的几种基本方法,以实例介绍了文献法、专家访谈法、问卷法、谈话法、调查研究法。以具体实施音乐研究性学习的整个过程为线索,阐述了在实施研究性学习过程中的具体环节和主要做法,包括如何激发兴趣、确定主题、组织实践、交流评价等;简要介绍了实施研究性学习能够取得的效果及其对素质教育的贡献。最后,详细总结了在中学音乐教育中决定实施研究性学习成败的主要因素,包括正确的选题、教师的正确导向、正确的评价机制、加强提高教师的修养和素质等。这些方法及其在教学实践中的经验,对在中学音乐教育中实施研究性学习以及其他学科进行研究性学习都具有借鉴意义。 英文摘要 The meanings of project learning is briefly introduced as well as the background in which project learning came into being. The aim and properties of project learning are summarized. The significance and current state of project learning in music education in middle schools in China is analyzed. Through experiences in conducting project learning in the teaching practice in middle schools, we conclude some useful methods for conducting project learning, which include methods of reviews, interviewing specialists, questionnaires, talking and inquiries. Some concrete steps and measures in conducting project learning are clearly stated by way of introducing our teaching practice in music lessons in Dalian No. 26 Middle School, and these measures are inspiring interests, establishing subjects, organizing students, communicating with other teachers, evaluating the results and so on. The contribution of project learning to music education and its teaching effect are briefly discussed. Finally, factors which affect conducting project learning successfully are summarized, among which are choosing subjects correctly, leading students skillfully, correct way of evaluation, increasing teachers’teaching and culture level, and ect. The methods presented here and the experiences obtained in the teaching practice are very useful for other teachers in music education and education in other fields DOI CNKI::CDMD:10165.2.2005.0808