感谢华东师大艺术系硕士研究生徐进提供并整理该文资料- 学位授予单位 南京师范大学 中文关键词 自发音乐行为;自发哼唱;自发身体动作;自发节奏探索 导师 边霞 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 学前教育 中文摘要 本研究采用人种志的研究方法,通过现场观察、访谈收集资料,对发生在幼儿园3—4岁幼儿的自发音乐行为进行了类型划分、特征分析、影响因素考察和功能解析。在对幼儿自发音乐行为的类型划分部分,研究者从不同纬度将幼儿自发音乐行为分别进行了划分:根据自发音乐行为的不同音乐表现方式,可以分为自发哼唱、自发身体舞动和自发性节奏探索;根据自发音乐行为的不同呈现形式,可以分为定形的自发音乐行为和不定形的自发音乐行为。在对幼儿自发音乐行为进行特征分析时,研究者总结出幼儿自发音乐行为的特征:愉悦性、整体性、情境性和即发性。 在分析幼儿自发音乐行为的影响因素时,研究者分别从外部因素和内部因素两个方面入手进行探讨。研究者还对幼儿自发音乐行为进行了功能解析,这部分分析了幼儿自发音乐行为的直接功能:情绪、情感功能,人际互动功能:以及间接功能:有利于促进儿童音乐能力发展,铸造儿童的独特感觉和个人意识,激发和锻炼想象力、创造力。最后,研究者基于本研究的结果,提出了一些教育启示,并对本研究中存在的一些问题进行了反思。 英文摘要 Ethnography was adopted in this study, which involves observing in the field and talking with the teachers and children. The type, feature, influence factor and function analysis were put into practice in the research about the spontaneous music behavior of children aged 3-4. As to the type study, classification was adopted from different latitude. According to the different representation of spontaneous music, the behavior was classified into spontaneous singing, spontaneous body movement and spontaneous odyssey of the rhythm. According to different form of spontaneous music behavior, it can be classified into unceremonious spontaneous music behavior and formless spontaneous music behavior In the feature study, pleasantness, the unity of children's feeling, changing accord to the circumstances and suddenly occurring were adopted. As to the influence factor study, internal and external elements were considered. The function of the spontaneous music behavior include direct function and indirect function. The former include emotional function, interpersonal interaction function; the later include promoting children's music capacity, forging a unique sense and personal awareness of children, training to stimulate imagination and creativity. The introspection of the kindergarten education and self-examination of this research ended the thesis. DOI cnki:CDMD:10319.2.2006.4061