--感谢华东师大艺术系硕士研究生徐进提供并整理该文资料--- 学位授予单位 华中师范大学 中文关键词 希腊;城邦;公民;教育 导师 晏绍祥 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 学科教学 中文摘要 柏拉图不仅是古希腊伟大的哲学家、思想家,而且是一位伟大的教育家。他对教育做出的贡献和他精深的教育思想对后来的欧洲及全世界许多国家都产生了重大的影响,至今仍旧具有启迪和教育意义。本文拟从柏拉图所处的时代背景出发,结合当时雅典城邦民主制度的演变,对柏拉图的公民教育思想作一点粗浅的探讨。第一章讨论公民和城邦的关系。公民是城邦的统治阶层,他们享有治理国家和拥有土地的特权,同时也肩负着保卫城邦的军事义务。希腊城邦发达的直接民主制度使公民作为一个统治群体参与城邦的治理,他们的利益与城邦的利益息息相关,这种状况在雅典尤其明显。第二章主要论述城邦的危机和公民队伍的瓦解。伯罗奔尼撤战争使雅典由盛而衰,城邦危机四伏,公民日益贫困,民主政体动摇,伦理道德败坏。这一切使得生活在其中的柏拉图极其震惊。作为一个爱国的学者,他希望通过教育培养合格的公民来振兴国家。第三章主要介绍柏拉图的公民教育思想体系,将其体系划分为学前教育、初等教育、中等教育和高等教育。教育的最终目的是为了维护社会的繁荣和稳定,但这种教育的社会价值取向却是通过培养身心和谐发展的公民实现的。音乐、体育贯穿教育的始终,在不同的年龄阶段,教育的内容、方法都是不同的。在柏拉图的教育体系中,国家主义和人性的发展得到了巧妙的统一。第四章对柏拉图公民教育思想的特点做了简要的归纳。主要包括四点:教育为城邦政治稳定服务;公民教育中强烈的军事化和共产主义色彩;辩证的教育观;唯物主义的教育观以及教育内容和教育方法上的特点。 英文摘要 Plato was not only a great philosopher、 thinker, but also a great educator in ancient Greece. His devotion to education and his profound educational thought greatly influenced ancient Greece later Europe and many other countries in the world and have remained enlightening and instructive even till today. In this article , the writer has given an instruction to Plato's educational thought on citizens in the setting of Athens in which he lived, starting with the development of Athenian democracy.In the first chapter, the writer has discussed the relationship between citizens and polis. Citizens, the rulers of the polis in Greece, not only had the privilege to manage their countries and possess landed property, but also were responsible for the safety of their polis. Thanks to the developed democracy, citizens could participate in the management of the polis as mass governors. Their individual benefits were closely related to that of their countries, which was especially obvious in Athens.That the body of citizens was disintegrated and the crisis of polis emerged was dealt with in the second chapter. The war between Athens and Sparta made Athens confronted with the transition from prosperity to decline, which shocked Plato greatly. Being a patriot, he believed that his motherland could revive via educating qualified citizens.In the third chapter, the writer has discussed the system of Plato's educationalthoughts on citizens, which consists of four parts--pre-school education,primary education, secondary education and higher education. The final goal of his education was to maintain the social prosperity and stability by cultivating the DOI CNKI::CDMD:10511.2.2005.0353