感谢华东师大艺术系硕士研究生徐进提供并整理该文资料- 学位授予单位 中国艺术研究院 中文关键词 音乐教学评价;教学评价体系;音乐教育 导师 李岩 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 音乐学 中文摘要 本文以音乐课程教学的评价理念、现状、特点及主要内容为出发点,在对国内外音乐教学评价做出分析、研究的基础上,对小学音乐教学评价的价值、目标、内容、特点及重要性等方面进行了探索,对进行音乐教学评价的理论准备、方案设计、指标体系的制定、方式方法的运用进行了分析。对最终建构有利于学生和教师发展的小学音乐教学评价体系进行了阐述。本文重新审视、定位了音乐教学评价,全文包括前言、正文和结束语三部分。前言在提出问题的基础上,阐明本课题的研究意义。正文共六章,第一章对音乐教学评价进行了概述,分析了国内外教学评价的现状及问题并指出发展趋势;第二章提出了适合小学科学评价的方法及实施途径;第三、第四、第五章分别论述了教师、学生、课程管理者在评价体系中的地位及作用;第六章主要阐述评价者(教师)实施教学评价时所应把握的原则。结语部分总结了音乐教育工作者今后的努力方向。 英文摘要 Based on a review of appraisal situation of music teaching both home and abroad, together with the concept, character and content as well, the appraisal value, objectives, principles and factors were probed. Further, the appraisal theory, scheme design, index system and method appliance were analyzed. Finally, the scientific appraisal system, which is constructive for development of both students and teachers were discussed in this thesis.The appraisal system of music teaching was re-formulated and re-oriented in detail with three parts, i.e. Preface, Main Body and Conclusion. In Preface Part the significance of the question for study was clarified. The Main Body Part comprises 6 chapters: Chapter 1 summarizes the teaching appraisal, analyzes the limitations and point out the development direction. Chapter 2 designs appraisal methods and implement approach for schoolchild. Chapter 3, 4 and 5 discuss respectively the function of teacher student and appraiser. In Chapter 6 principles in appraisal was recommended. At the end, a summary for the thesis and point out teaching direction were presented in Conclusion Part. DOI CNKI::CDMD:84201.2.2006.0442