中文关键词 流行音乐;中学生;音乐教育;人类学 导师 管建华 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 音乐学 中文摘要 本文是一篇建立在实地调查基础上的“流行音乐与中学生音乐教育”的探讨性研究。目的是通过调查准确了解流行音乐在中学生音乐生活中的地位;中学生接纳流行音乐状况;学校音乐教育对学生音乐生活中居于重要地位的流行音乐的关注情况。阐述音乐教育使用学生喜爱的流行音乐进行教学对中学生的现实意义。第一章:导言。本章从中学生对学校音乐课的冷漠及课外学生对流行音乐的热情,两种截然不同的态度,引发论文的缘起;简述本文研究的理论基础。 第二章:本章根据流行音乐及所具有的特征,探究中学生喜爱流行音乐生理、心理基础。回顾流行音乐在中学生音乐教育中的状况,及国内外普通音乐教育关于流行音乐的状况。阐述在当代学校音乐教育中如何看待流行音乐。 第三章:在安徽马鞍山市对中学生进行流行音乐调查,主要目的通过实地调查了解中学生学习流行音乐的具体情况,凸现和证实一些问题的实际存在,分析产生问题的原因。了解目前音乐教育有关流行音乐的状况。第四章:对学校音乐教育中使用流行音乐探讨,运用人类学的理论阐释学校音乐教育中使用流行音乐对学生成长的意义,以及对日益更新的流行音乐,音乐教学的实施策略。 英文摘要 This thesis is a research of popular music and music education of middle school student based on field survey. It aims to get the exact information of the influence on the life of middle school students, their acceptance of this kind of music, and attention the school pay to the popular music, which is widely favored by middle school students. This thesis expatiate the significance of the use of popular music in the music education of middle school student.Chapter one: introduction. This chapter introduces the original intention of the paper through the different reaction of the middle school student to popular music and the conventional music course. This chapter gives a survey of the theoretical bases of my research.Chapter tw This chapter explores into the physical and physiological causes of the adoration to popular music of middle school students, reviews the history of the use of popular music in the music education of middle school student and the music education in other countries concerning with popular music. This chapter expounds on the attitude of the school to popular music.Chapter three: We make some researches of popular music among the middle school students in Ma An Shan, An Hui province. The end of these researches is to collect the exact information of the study situation of popular music in middle school music education so as to foreground and testify the existence of some problems.Chapter Four: This chapter discusses the use of popular music of middle school music education and the significance of the popular music in the growth of nowadays middle school students from the perspective of anthropology. This chapter also suggests some strategies in the middle school music education with the ever-developing popular music. DOI CNKI::CDMD:10319.2.2004.9590