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关键字:菁华中英文实验中学 发布时间:2010-04-16


学位授予单位 山东师范大学

中文关键词 中学音乐;创新教育;创新性教学

导师 陈一鸣

论文级别 硕士

学科专业名称 学科教学

中文摘要 创新是人类文明发展的动力,创新教育和教育创新将是21世纪知识经济时代最具生命力的教育,并成为当今国内外教育研究及深化教育改革与发展中的热点话题之一。面对知识经济的挑战,世界各国纷纷意识到创新的重要性并积极推进创新。在我国,培养大批具有创新精神的优秀人才,造就有利于人才辈出的良好环境,充分发挥科技人才的积极性、主动性、创造性,是建设创新型国家的战略举措。要建设创新型国家,我们就不能不提到创新型教育,而要达到创新教育的主要途径就是创新性教学。中学音乐教育如何应对这些挑战和选择,完成时代赋予的历史使命,其自身也面临着许多亟待回答和解决的问题。但无论如何,要想培养创新性人才,我们就有必要直面现行中学音乐教学所存在的问题,必须改变以往的局面,着眼于创新,积极实施创新性教学,为创新型人才培养做出自己的贡献。中学音乐创新性教学是一个系统的工程。要想使中学音乐创新性教学富有实效性,就要认真分析目前创新性教学在观念、师资、教材、学生等方面所存在的问题,明确创新性教学的以创新能力为目标、以基本知识为本、以审美能力为核心、以学生为主体、以问题为导向的基本要求和主动发展、建构学习、合作、探究等基本原则,实现教学理念、课程设计、教学内容、教学过程、教学方法、教学资源、教学评价等方面的创新。特别需要指出的是,中学音乐创新性教学对教师的素质提出了特别的要求。

英文摘要 Innovation is the driving force for the development of human civilization. So innovative education and educational innovation will be of great vitality in education of the knowledge economy era in the 21st century, and will become one of the hottest topics both in education research of our country and abroad, and in deepening educational development and reform. Faced with the challenge of knowledge economy, many countries in the world have been aware of the importance of innovation and are actively promoting innovation. In our country, the cultivation of large numbers of people who possess creative spirits, creating a favorable and excellent environment for the talents, and making full use of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of scientist and technologist, are the most important strategies of building a innovative country. So as to building a innovative country, we have to mention the innovation of education, and the primary means of achieving innovative education is innovative teaching.How secondary music education to deal with these challenges and choices, and accomplish the historical mission entrusted by our times, it must be faced with many problems which are urgent to be answered and solved. Anyway, if we want to cultivate innovative talents, there is great need for us to directly confront the problems that are existing in the music teaching in secondary schools. Therefore , we must change the old situation, concentrate on innovation, and actively implement innovative teaching , in order to make our own contributions to the cultivation of talented people.The innovative teaching of Chinese music is a systematic project .In order to make innovative teaching of music in middle schools of significant effectiveness, we have to carefully analyse problems of present innovation teaching in ideas, teachers, teaching materials and students, clarify that innovation teaching must view developing creative abilities as the goal, take fundmental knowledge as basis , consider aesthetic abilities as core , regarding students as subjects, and form the fundmental requirement oriented at problems and basic principles which are constructive studies, cooperation and exploration. Consequently, the innovation in teaching concept, course design, teaching contents , teaching process, teaching methods, teaching resources and teaching appraisements can be realized. Especially , innovation teaching of the music in middle schools has put forward special requirements.for teachers' qualities.

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10445.2.2006.4222

上一篇:中学生音乐兴趣的初步研究   下一篇:中学音乐教学中学生自主学习能力培养的研究
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