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关键字:河图乐书 发布时间:2010-04-16


学位授予单位 福建师范大学

中文关键词 个体研究;陈旸;党争;乐书;礼乐治国

导师 王耀华

论文级别 硕士

学科专业名称 音乐学

中文摘要 陈旸,福建闽清人,北宋绍圣元年贤良科进士,官至礼部侍郎,所著《乐书》二百卷近百万字,保存了大量宋及宋以前的音乐史料,具有很高的历史、文化价值。《乐书》上承汉唐、下启明清,其成书之早、内容之丰富,为当今世界仅见,堪称中国乃至于世界历史上第一部音乐百科全书,是研究中国音乐不可或缺的重要著作。这样一个重要的音乐家,这样一部称得上中国音乐宝库的巨著,其学术价值、历史地位和文化意义,应该得到明确和足够的重视。综观已有的研究成果,尤其是20世纪以来,对陈旸及其《乐书》的研究,多取史学角度,以史学研究为主。本文拟取民族音乐学视角,尽可能地将陈旸及阿其《乐书》置于北宋社会人文背景中去考察,研究文化历史发展脉络中的陈旸及其《乐书》。本文通过对田野调查所获族谱等文史资料、《宋史》等史料记载及前人研究成果的整合、研究:在生平方面,提出了陈旸生卒年月、中制科时间、初授推官的地理位置等新材料,初列了陈旸年表;在著述背景方面,通过对北宋的政治、经济、文教等人文背景的梳理,认为《乐书》著述的思想动机是呼唤回归三代的礼乐治国,并通过对学术背景的综观,认为北宋的史学、金石学等对《乐书》产生了一定的影响。

英文摘要 A native of Minqing County in Fujian Province, Chen Yang was a jinshi (a palace graduate) in China's North Song Dynasty, who later served in the Ministry of Rites. His Yue Shu, a scholarly work with a huge mass of valuable information on Song- and pre-Song-Dynasty music, is of great historical and cultural significance. Generally regarded as the earliest encyclopedic volumes of musicology in Chinese history, and perhaps even in world history, Yue Shu has been an important and indispensable work of reference in the study of Chinese music. The 200-volume masterpiece, noted for its early date of publication and wide coverage梤anging over a period between the Han-Tang Dynasties and the Ming-Qing Dynasties, is a rare collection in the treasure of Chinese musicology. This master of Chinese musicology and the academic value, historical status and cultural significance of his Yue Shu, thus merit ampler attention. A survey of existing scholarship shows that since the 20th century most of the studies of Chen Yang and his Yue Shu, have been conducted from historical perspectives. The present study attempts to approach the subject from the perspective of Ethnomusicology, and, against the socio-cultural background of the North Song Dynasty, explore Chen Yang and his Yue Shu in the context of cultural and historical development. Based on genealogical information and historical accounts obtained from field work and drawing on relevant scholarship such as A History of the Song Dynasty, this study presents fresh information about Chen Yang's life, including dates of birth and death, date of conferment of his academic title, place of his appointment to the office, and a Chronicle of Chen Yang. After a background study of his scholarly work in the political, economic, cultural and educational contexts of North Song Dynasty, this thesis comes up with the view that the creation of Yue Shu was motivated by the intention to restore the practice of liyue zhiguo, and that to some extent Yue Shu was influenced by the historiography and epigraphy of the North Song Dynasty.

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10394.2.2002.1454

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