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关键字:海山中英文幼儿园 发布时间:2010-04-16


学位授予单位 山东师范大学

中文关键词 综合;感知;表现;能力

导师 孔新苗

论文级别 硕士

学科专业名称 美术学

中文摘要 在长期的教学实践中,发现当前幼儿美术教育领域中仍然存在一些既不符合幼儿美育发展规律又不适应时代发展潮流的现象——“重技轻能”和“分科教学”等等。 本文旨在通过对当前幼儿美育中存在的缺陷和不足的发现和分析,以探索和尝试更为科学的适合儿童美育发展和符合时代潮流的幼儿美育策略。本文首先从幼儿园美术活动开展状况入手,运用调查问卷和课堂观摩等方法,调查幼儿美术教育在美术活动内容、教师教育理念和指导方法等方面存在的“不良现象”,并深入分析了当前这些现象产生的主要根源。在分析和总结了近现代幼儿美育理论和新世纪全球幼儿美术教育发展趋势基础上,并结合自己教学实践经验和对幼儿美术教育的思考,提出了“综合式幼儿美术活动”的教育理念和教学模式。综合式教育是时代发展潮流,综合式教育在幼儿教育阶段尤为重要。 综合式幼儿美术活动的教育理念是以发展幼儿综合感知和表现能力为核心。通过两个结合:一,幼儿美术活动与幼儿的其它活动相结合,以“主题美术活动”为连接点,将美术活动融合或辐射到幼儿音乐、舞蹈、语言、自然科学等不同领域。通过美术活动与其他幼儿活动的相互渗透和作用,启发幼儿对不同领域的活动内容和形式的横向思考和探索,从而萌发幼儿的发散性思维品质和幼儿综合能力的发展。二,幼儿美术活动在内容、形式和工具材料上相结合,将单一的活动内容、表现形式、工具材料交互运用,即同一美术活动内容进行多种形式表现和多种材料的综合尝试,启发和诱导幼儿探索表现形式的多样性,并以此为契机促进幼儿思维品质和创新能力的全面发展。本文的论述分以下层次:首先,时代的发展和进步对幼儿美术教育提出新的标准和要求,综合式美术活动既充分考虑并尊重儿童作为学习主体的能动性,又充分发挥美术学科的独特的审美干预的基础上,以发展的儿童美术教育观,从儿童和审美两个角度审视、设计和组织幼儿美术活动。综合式美术活动在创新传统幼儿美术活动形式(绘画、手工和欣赏)的基础上,把幼儿美术活动分为认知与再现、审美与表现、探索与创造三大类型,从教育观念、活动内容和表现形式等方面为幼儿提供更加自由的、开放的、综合的美术活动环境。综合式美术活动三大类型的划分,并不是简单的与当前幼儿美术活动形式作概念上的区分,而是幼儿美术教育观念的重要转变。一方面,它拓展了幼儿美术活动的领域,把幼儿多官能感知纳入并构成幼儿美术活动硕里~学夕触戈次的一部分,从而使幼儿美术活动成为促进幼儿认知能力发展的动因;另一方面,综合式美术活动将相互独立的绘画、手工和欣赏融合到以幼儿为主体的 “主题美术活动”中,从而为幼儿提供更自由、更开阔、更丰富的创造空间。认知与再现将幼儿以观察为主的认知引入幼儿美术活动,引导幼儿发现和感知现实生活,把外在事物内化为“心理表象”之后,再启发幼儿以不同形式表现出来,从而转变“示范+I临摹”为主的幼儿美术教学模式,强化幼儿以观察力为主的感知觉能力的发展。审美与表现则通过提供给幼儿大量的生活和艺术作品资料,引导幼儿对生活中和艺术作品中美的形态、样式、色彩、组织结构等“美”的发现、探索和情感体验,并能够把自己的情感和体验以美的形式表现出来,发展幼儿的审美能力和表现美的能力。探索与创造通过提供尽可能多的工具和材料,丰富的造型手法和独特的表现形式,鼓励幼儿依据自己的兴趣和个性特点,选择美术活动主题,工具材料以及表现方法等,提高幼儿的动手操作能力,培养幼儿的创造性思维和探索精神。综合式儿童美术教育作为一种开放的教育思想和模式,没有一成不变的具体的教学内容,在深刻领会综合式儿童美术教育思想、指导和评价方法之后,幼儿教师适时适地的设计美术活动内容并开展美术活动才是关键。为了更好的阐明综合式美术活动的教育理念,分别为大、中、小班设计了几个幼儿美术教学案例,仅作抛砖引玉之用。针对新文化环境中幼儿美术发展,阐明了自己的观点。关键词: 分类号: 综合感知表现能力 G613.6

英文摘要 In my long-term teaching practice, I discover that in the current infant art education realm still exsits some facts which goes against the law of infant art education and its trend as well, such as "paying much attention to the skills while neglecting the ability", and "sticking to the marks-the-most-important policy" etc.This essay aims to discover and analyze the blemishes and shortcoming infant art education, so as to find and propose a workable infant art teaching strategy which goes with the law of infant art education and its trend as well.This essay opens from kindergarten art activities. I investigate the " bad phenomenon" in some aspects of the infant art educate activities, teacher's teaching principles etc, by making use of questionnaires, and attending the lessons, to analyze the main sources of the current problems.On the base of analyzing and summarizing the modern infant art education theories and the world infant art education trend, I put forward the education principle and teaching mode of the "synthesizing type of infant art activities", with the combination of my teaching practices as to the infant art education.The core of the synthesizing type education principle of infant art activities is to develop infants' all-round aspects to feel and to express their abilities. With the two combinations: A, the infant art activity combines the other activities of the infant, using "topic art activity" as a link, blending and radiating the other activities, such as singing, dancing, language, natural sciences. With the permeation into the other art activities, the infants are inspired to think and discover something new in the form of horizontal consideration, which will stimulate the development of the infant's all-round thinking and other abilities. B, the combination use of various contents, forms, tools, and materials in infant art activities, namely same art movable contents, various forms of performance to synthesize various materials, the infants will be inspired to investigate, and will be induced to make use of the chances to promote their thought quality with creative abilities.The essay bears the following levels of structure. First, the development of the ages calls for the progress of the infant art education; the synthesizing type art activities, on the base of respecting their positive attitude and interfering their aesthetics, need to design and organize infant art activity with the developing education view, which comes from the two aesthetics angles. On the foundation in creative traditional infant art movable forms( painting, handicraft with enjoy), the synthesizing type art activities can provide a free, open, and comprehensive art movable environment in educational theory, actual activity, and form aspects, and it can be divided into perception and reappearance, appreciation and expressiveness, probation and creation, all together, three types. The demarcation of the three greatest types of the synthesizing type in art activities is not only a simple conceptual distinction with the current infant art forms, but also an important notional change in the infant art education. On one hand, it expands the realm of the infant art activities, constituting one part of the infant art activities using the infant's many organic functions, so it becomes a move to promote the infant perception ability; On the other hand, the synthesizing type art activities will integrate the independent painting, handicraft, appreciation with the infant for corpus of "topic art activity", thus it provides the freer, more spacious and more abundant space of creation for the infant.The perception and reappearance lead the infants from observation to the art activities for the main perception, with the aim to guide the infants to discover and to know actual life, so as to express the differences from appearances. So, it changes the traditional method, which stresses "show and practice", and strengthens their observation. Appreciation and expressiveness, through providing the infants with a flood of life and art work

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10445.2.2004.2960

上一篇:中国幼儿音乐教育问题与发展研究   下一篇:20世纪20-40年代中国艺术歌曲的发展及其演唱的初步研究 中英文摘
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