感谢华东师大艺术系硕士研究生徐进提供并整理该文资料- 学位授予单位 东北师范大学 中文关键词 开放;音乐教育;课堂教学 导师 尹爱青 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 音乐学 中文摘要 21世纪是大学更新的世纪。新的时代赋于大学新的使命,新的课程观正逐渐改变着师生传统的教学观念,在新的教学呼唤声中,开放式教学以其独有的价值取向,成为我们当前教学中新的热点,呈现给人们新的教学视野。开放式教学强调“以人为本”和“终身学习”的大学理念,最终目的是为了促进教师与学生个性的和谐发展。另外,随着社会政治经济、文化的发展,学生的身心发展和以前相比也有着不同的变化。现代的学生更加独立和以自我为中心,他们追求独立和自由,希望得到更为广泛的学习空间,愿意了解和学习一切,教师的权威性往往受到现代学生的质疑和挑战。开放式音乐教学的意义就在于为学生和教师敞现广阔的精神世界和发展空间,重视学生主动参与学习知识的意义和音乐知识结构的形成过程,自主地提出自己发展的目标,关注和利用各种可提供自身发展的音乐学习资源等。由此,学生获得的不仅仅是音乐领域的知识、技能和品德等方面的发展,更重要的是在学生整体上主动形成了自我发展的学习方式,这种学习方式将成为学生终身发展的基础。本文将结合东北师范大学附属小学“开放式·个性化”的办学理念和开放式音乐教学实践,从开放式音乐教学的内涵与理念;开放式音乐教学的主要特征;开放式音乐教学内容、类型与方式;开放式音乐教学中学生个性发展与自主学习:开放式音乐教学中教师的权力、专业发展与角色的转换;开放式音乐教学课程资源开发的途径与实施方式;开放式音乐教学的评价体系等七个方面对开放式音乐教学有关理论进行系统地介绍,并力图进一步推进开放式音乐教学理论与实践的研究,使之成为适合于指导我国开放式音乐教学的研究和实践的理论。为小学音乐大学者和热心探究中小学音乐教学与实践的理论研究者,提供一个新的学习领域。 英文摘要 21 century is the century of updating education. The new century gives the new assignment for education. The new course idea is changing the education idea for teachers. In the new requirement of the new education, the open presentation teaching has its own value, which becomes the new hot phenomenon. Open presentation teaching all aims at providing an overall education to students. The final purpose is to progress the teachers and students development. Besides with the development of economics and culture, students' development also changes comparing with years ago. Modern students are more self-concerned and independent. They ask more freedom and independence. They also require much study space and extensive study. They are willing to learn many things, thus, teachers are questioned and challenged.Open presentation music teaching aims at widening both students and teachers development space. We encourage students to participate in studying the meaning of knowledge in music and the formation process. Not only students are encourage to put forward their own developing goals, but also the music studying resources are available to them. Therefore, the students are not only getting the knowledge in music field but also they are learning in tech and virtual fields. Much important thing is that the students become to cultivate selfstudy spirit, which will turn out to be the basic development for students.Nowadays, it has gained a whole perspective and continues to strive towards excellence in making this a modern, leading school of the whole country, with global perspective. We are going to introduce it from seven aspects. Such as music teaching context and form, the open presentation in self study and personal development, the exchange of teacher and student in open presentation, the resources of textbook in open presentation music teaching, etc. We strive for making progress in the research of open presentation therapy, in order to provide a new study field for those who are keen to do the research of music teaching practice and therapy. DOI CNKI::CDMD:10200.2.2006.7050