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关键字:中学生民族舞蹈 发布时间:2010-04-16


学位授予单位 东北师范大学

中文关键词 初中民族音乐 ; 研究性学习; 人文素养

导师 杨士菊

论文级别 硕士

学科专业名称 教育

中文摘要 新《课标》提出了要体现以音乐审美体验为核心,使学习内容生动有趣、丰富多彩;有鲜明的时代感和民族性;引导学生主动参与音 乐实践,尊重个体的不同音乐体验和学习方式。为学生终身喜爱音乐、 学习音乐、享受音乐奠定良好的基础。如何在教学中培养他们对民族音乐的兴趣,发展他们的音乐感受力和想象力,启迪、爱护学生的创 造性思维,使个性得到发展,提高审美能力,完成素质教育赋予音乐 教学的任务,这是我们值得思考和肩负的重任。本文就初中民族音乐研究性学习的目的、方法、评价及意义等方面展开探讨。通过一些调 查数据分析,就研究性学习模式是否适合民族音乐教学,找出适合民 族音乐教学的方法和发展方向。对研究性学习特征及研究性学习中的教师评价等问题进行阐述、分析。进一步将新型学习关系引入民族音 乐学习中。 在我国市场经济快速发展的今天,音乐教育尤其是民族音乐教育 问题显得更加重要。这些问题需要教育理论界与学校实践者共同努力去解决,然而这绝非一朝一夕所能达成。正因如此,笔者抛砖引玉, 希望民族音乐教育问题得到广泛的重视,让民族音乐能在学校教育中 找到自己合适的位置。能够获得与其它学科平等的教育地位。

英文摘要 New Course Standard demands a study method centering on experiencing the appreciation of the beauty of music and making the study on music interesting and colorful. Distinct sense of times and national character are the characteristic of musical education in junior school. It leads students to participate in musical practice on their own initiative and respects individuals’ musical experience. It helps students lay solid foundation for being fond of music, learning music and enjoying music for all their life. It is a question about how to develop the students’ interest in national music, musical perception and imagination in teaching. It is also a task for musical teaching provided by quality education on how to inspire and treasure strudents’ creative thinking, develop personality and improve appreciation of beauty. It is a responsibility worthy of our thinking and bearing. The thesis extends the approach on the aim, methods, remark and significance of national music studying in junior school in five chapters. It finds out the teaching methods and direction proper to national music teaching in the analysis of some data and whether the researching study model is appropriate to national music teaching. It expounds and analyze the character of researching study and the teachers’ remarks in researching study and introduce the new studying relationship into national musical study. Musical education, especially national musical education appears more important in our present market economy, which has developed speedily. All the problems mentioned above should being solved by educators in school with educational theory. But it can never be fulfilled within a single day. Therefore, the writer offers a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with broad attention on national music education and helps national music find its proper position in junior school and be equal to the other subjects education.

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10200.2.2004.0747

上一篇:中小学音乐感受与鉴赏教学研究   下一篇:中学生音乐兴趣的初步研究
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