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关键字:中英文摘要 发布时间:2010-04-16


学位授予单位 湖南师范大学

中文关键词 中小学音乐教学,感受与鉴赏领域,价值取向,教学原则,教学内容及方法

导师 朱咏北

论文级别 硕士

学科专业名称 音乐学

中文摘要 感受与鉴赏作为重要的音乐学习领域,是整个音乐学习活动的基础。然而多年来,关于音乐欣赏教学相关问题的研究却很薄弱,而且在一些中小学也尚未开设音乐欣赏课,即便有欣赏课,也多半是从教师的主观感受出发,以一成不变的素材为主要内容,忽视学生自身体验和感受,形式单一的教学方式。鉴于此,本文拟从《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》中感受与鉴赏学习领域切入,以新课程理念和建构主义观点为依据,对感受与鉴赏领域的教学进行有关探讨。全文包括引言、正文和结语三个部分。引言阐明了本课题的研究动机和意义。正文分为四个部分,第一部分从教学观、学习观、知识观和评价观四个方面对传统音乐欣赏教学与感受与鉴赏教学进行了比较深刻的分析、比较。第二部分深入细致地阐述了感受与鉴赏教学的价值取向。第三部分系统地阐述了感受与鉴赏领域的教学原则。第四部分依据音乐课程标准中感受与鉴赏教学的内容标准,设计出一系列的教学方法。结语部分总结了音乐感受与鉴赏教学的相关研究。

英文摘要 As the important field of study for music, the teaching of sentiments and appreciation is the basis of music education. But for these years, the research about the teaching of sentiments and appreciation is very weak. What's more, in many primary and middle schools the lesson of music appreciation is not included in the curriculum, even if it is, the teachers not only, always impart immutable knowledge to the students, but mostly lay stress on their own sentiments instead of that of the students. Therefore, this thesis will explore the teaching of sentiments and appreciates from the angle of constructivism. This thesis contains three parts of introduction, text and conclusion. Introduction clarifies the motive and significance of the question for study. Text is composed of four parts. The first part analyzes and compares the traditional appreciation from the notions of teaching, study, knowledge and appraisal. The second part deeply expounds the value of the teaching of sentiments and appreciation. The third part systematically explains the teaching principal of sentiment and appreciation. The forth part designs a series of teaching methods according to the teaching contents of sentiments and appreciation limited in the standard of curriculum. The conclusion gives a summary for the thesis.

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10542.2.2003.4169

上一篇:中小学开展民族音乐教学的现实意义和有效途径探究   下一篇:中学生民族音乐的研究性学习探究
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