感谢华东师大艺术系硕士研究生徐进提供并整理该文资料- 学位授予单位 西北师范大学 中文关键词 音乐欣赏浸润式教学,实验研究,幼儿,琴童,教师,家长,教学管理 导师 魏新民 论文级别 硕士 学科专业名称 学前教育学 中文摘要 由铃木镇一先生创设于20世纪50年代的“天才教育体系”,又叫“才能教育”,至60年代中期在日本接受其才能教育的儿童已超过20万。由于这种体系能使许多儿童在较小年龄或短时间内获得小提琴演奏技能和音乐能力方面的可观进步,因此很快获得了世界音乐教育界的广泛关注,成为近现代儿童教育的重要体系。其中的音乐浸润式欣赏是“才能教育”中提高儿童学习音乐技能技巧和提高音乐能力最佳的欣赏教学模式。在幼儿园开展音乐浸润式欣赏教学则是通过浸润式音乐教育环境,儿童可以像学会本国语一样自然地学会倾听、欣赏和喜爱音乐。不但使有一定音乐技能技巧的儿童学会倾听音乐和掌握音乐技能的可观进步,而且使一般儿童学会欣赏并喜欢音乐和接触音乐。这种将儿童放在音乐环境中的“浸润”并非盲目和随意的,而是一种既有目标也有层次的潜移默化的教学过程。它与传统的幼儿园音乐授课式欣赏教学和随意听听的最大不同在于:音乐浸润式欣赏教学是以音乐为环境在儿童一日生活中贯穿音乐旋律,教师以配合旋律的讲解背景随时回答儿童对音乐的提问,在儿童活动中、睡觉前、饭前给予内隐强化,每周请有音乐技能的儿童给实验班幼儿演奏所听和所学的乐曲,促使音乐这种概括性和抽象性非常强的知识在儿童内隐和外显学习的相互关系中得到发展;而音乐授课式欣赏教学仅仅将音乐作为一门独立的课程来讲授、学习和欣赏,并将重点放在音乐本身这种抽象概念的内容讲解上。音乐浸润式欣赏教学实验就是根据铃木镇一先生“才能教育”中为儿童创设像祖国语言环境一样的优良的音乐环境,让儿童像学会本国语一样自然地沉浸其中,充分利用环境无意识的学习来欣赏音乐,同时通过音乐技能学习的外显强化学会喜欢倾听音乐这一教学原理而设计的。对于儿童学习欣赏音乐来说,这种教学方法具有如下优势:1、儿童能轻松愉快的学习音乐内容并完成音乐联想和想象;2、音乐欣赏与其他活动密切联系使儿童加深乐曲印象;3、音乐欣赏带给儿童愉快的审美体验;4、琴童发挥的榜样作用促进儿童间的互动;5、音乐欣赏与音乐技能学习配合一致使儿童对学习音乐发生兴趣。本实验以西北师范大学附属实验幼儿园中95名幼儿为对象进行音乐浸润式欣 王王男:幼儿口专东俊阅式欣嘴敬李的研究与实脸 赏,采用2(年级)XZ(教学方法)XZ(儿童类别)被试间实验设计。经过三个月的实验,结果表明:实验组幼儿的音乐能力明显高于对照组,实验组的95名幼 儿中37名琴童的音乐素质提高是很快的,技能技巧的掌握是可观的。58名一般儿 童经过音乐浸润式欣赏教学后更加喜爱音乐和希望学习音乐技能。论文运用定量(音乐能力测验的方差分析、相关分析和问卷调查)和定性(访 谈、课堂观察)的研究方法,对幼儿音乐浸润式欣赏教学进行分析、研究,发现在 短短地3个月时间里,教学取得了令人惊喜的效果。在儿童方面:1、音乐想象和联想更加贴切和丰富;2、对音乐的感受更加深入;3、能够在活动中根据音乐进行 创编动作;4、在有一定音乐技能的儿童中(琴童与一般儿童的对比中上述三项的 分值更高):(l)能主动的进行音乐技能技巧练习;(2)能更加发挥耳朵的监督功能使所学乐曲更加完善;(3)喜欢所学乐器;(4)音乐表达更趋完善。在教师 方面:l、音乐欣赏教学的自信心加强,能够自如运用所掌握的音乐背景知识传授 于儿童,并给予一定的指导;2、意识到加强自身音乐知识学习的紧迫性;3、对幼儿音乐浸润式欣赏教学更加了解,并努力将音乐浸润式欣赏教学渗透到各种音乐教 学活动之中;4、工作更加认真,尤其在音乐欣赏教学方面,给予了更多的关注;5、 音乐技能技巧老师更看重音乐浸润式欣赏;7、给予音乐技能技巧专业教师以理论 和实践的依据。在家长方面:对音乐欣赏教学持肯定态度,认为能够提高儿童的音乐修养。 实验启示:在我国的城市儿童中学习音乐技能儿童的增多,是可观的和可喜的, 音乐提高儿童智力是有科学依据的。因此,在实施素质教育的过程中应该大力提倡 音乐浸润式欣赏教学,充分运用其对音乐学习的基础作用和辅助作用,更好的让音乐浸润式欣赏配合音乐技能学习发挥其作用。本实验旨在探索适合我国儿童音乐欣 赏的有效教学模式。 在论文的最后,根据实验的实施及结果,从教学过程、教学管理、教师三方面对幼儿音乐欣赏浸润式教学的开展提出了几点建议:1、贯彻素质教育方针,面向 全体幼儿;2、充分调动儿童音乐技能技巧学习与音乐欣赏相配合使音乐技能与音 乐素质结合相得益彰;3、重视和落实教师音乐素养的培训;4、鼓励家庭教育与幼儿园教育的配合等。 英文摘要 The first "genius system of education", or "ability education" was set up by Mr. Suzuki in Japan in the 1950's. By the mid 60's, 20 million children were using this education system. Because this system can help children to progress in musical ability, it was very important to children's education. The Immersion instruction of musical appreciation is one of the "ability educations"; it is the best modal of musical appreciation for the increase of musical ability. The Immersion instruction of musical appreciation in kindergarten is that children depend on immersion musical environment (this is like mother language imprisoning into the brain.). The Immersion instruction of musical appreciation is different from traditional instruction of musical appreciation. The latter is based on giving instructions, the former instruction is based on a musical environment where the teacher answers children's questions about musical background and during the whole day the children listen to music, especially times when children are active: before sleeping, before dinner and so on. The study of this theory is a relationship between implicit learning and explicit learning. The Immersion instruction of musical appreciation is more effective for children's musical skills. The latter only gives musical lessens to children The Immersion instruction of musical appreciation's superiority is: 1.children can study music in a relaxed way; 2.music along with a story can teach children about soci ety; 3.music gives children happiness; 4.children with musical skill are models for other children; 5.the cultivation of music appreciation will positively effect progress in other fields. This thesis is a periodical achievement based on an experimental research on The Immersion instruction of musical appreciation in response to the implicit learning principles. We randomly selected 96 kindergarten children from Northwest Normal University (NWNU) ranging in age from 4 and a half to 6 and a half as subjects. Then after 3 months' Immersion instruction of musical appreciation teaching, we compared this group with a control group of 3 7 children of musical skill and 49 common children in NWNU of the same age range who were taught by the traditional appreciation-teaching model for Chinese children. By using quantitative (F-test, correlation analysis and questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) research methods, we observed the teaching of Immersion musical appreciation and it's results concerning children, teachers and parents. The followings are the results we obtained: In respect to children: The Immersion teaching method: l.to made imagine and abandon. 2.deepened their impression of music 3. Match active life with music. 4.helped children of musical skill have better ability. In respect to teachers: The Immersion teaching method: l.give self-confidence and freedom to teach children. 2.give teachers the realization that knowledge of music is very important to children. 3. Once learned, excited the peaches into wanting to spread this instruction to children. 4. Encouraged the teachers to work hard and pay close attention to this field. 5.affected the relationship between teacher and child become more and more harmonious. 6. Made a good impression or teachers of musical skill who think this instruction has a positive effect. 7 Gave teachers a foundation to appreciate music. In respect to parents: they have believed it to be an accomplishment and give it more enthusiasm and concerns. According to the experiment progress and results, we give some suggestions on Immersion Instruction of musical appreciation in kindergarten: 1. Carry out the quality education and pay full attention to individual differences; 2. Arouse children's interests in learning music appreciation and stimulate children' motivation to learn; 3.Implement ability of musical pre- and in-service training of the teachers; 4.Encourage the parents' participation. DOI CNKI::CDMD:10736.2.2003.6517